Well, the fiery dust has settled on yet another soulmusic orgy, and the recording of what, my 40th or so LP "SHUTUP&JAM!" masterpiece now moves on to the critical ultra FUN mixing stage.
Dear God in heaven what a damn riot this is! The piss & vinegar firestorm of energy, spirit, passion & insane FUN recording with these monster virtuosos is indescribable. I am SO blessed to again be surrounded by ultimate musical masters!
A huge Nuge SALUTE to Mick Brown, Greg Smith, Derek St Holmes, Sammy Hagar, Johnny Bee Badanjek, Jon Kutz, Andy & Tim Patalan, Michael Lutz & my entire team for what we all shiveringly xalt to be the best music of our lives! Seriously!
Outrageous claim if ever there was, but we believe!
15 killer MotorCity Souljams that make up SHUTUP&JAM will be unleashed this summer.
Details forthcoming here on facebook & tednugent.com.
The beast snarls in its cage. Unleashing asap!